How to install Laravel on Windows

This tutorial helps you in installing the Laravel.

This tutorial helps you in installing the Laravel framework on Windows.

First of all, you need some software to get started with Laravel project : 

  • Xampp
  • Composer

Installing Xampp

  1. Open the XAMPP download page. Go to in your computer’s web browser.
  2. Here You’ll find versions of xampp near the bottom of the list of downloads. Download as per your system configuration.
  3. Open the XAMPP setup file. Double-click the downloaded setup file to do so.
  4. Follow normal installation instructions and click Finish to complete the installation.

Installing Composer

  1. Open the Composer website. Go to in your computer browser.
  2. Here You’ll find versions of the composer. Download as per your system configuration.
  3. Follow normal installation instructions and click Finish to complete the installation.

Installing the latest laravel package 

  1. Goto C:\Xampp\htdocs
  2. Shift + Right Click to Open Command prompt here
  3. In Command prompt type (composer global require laravel/installer) and press ↵ Enter.
  4. Laravel will immediately begin to install.

Create new laravel Project

In Command prompt type (composer create-project –prefer-dist laravel/laravel blog)

Note: Here (blog) is the name of the project you can change it accordingly

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